Collected Papers - Mimeographed
File Name Title Type of Record Date Quantity Format (paper unless noted)
Body and Mind
Bergson: Mind & Body - Translated by A.T.B. Mind and Body paper 1922 10 x 3 pgs
McDougall: Psychophysical Theories Psycho-Physical Theories according to McDougall in "Body and Mind" paper 2 x 3 pgs
Lashley: Brain Mechanisms and Intelligence Brain Mechanisms and Intelligence: K. S. Lashley paper 1929 4 x 4 pgs
Lobotomy Prefrontal Lobotomy manuscript 6 pgs
Pre-Frontal Lobotomy paper 15 x 3 pgs
Cabot: Vis Medicatrix Dei Vis Medicatrix Dei - By Richard C. Cabot paper 8 x 7 pgs
Weiss and English - Organ Language Organ Language - From "Psychosomatic Medicine" - By Weiss and English paper 17 x
The Subconscious
Dewey: Existence, Ideas & Consciousness Existence, Ideas, and Consciousness - (John Dewey in Experience and Nature) pp. 298-311 paper 4 pgs
Koffka: Structure of the Unconscious On the Structure of the Unconscious: by Kurt Koffka paper 1927 7 x 8 pgs
Jung: The Unconscious The Unconscious - Some Excerpts from "Two Essays on Analytical Psychology" excerpt 5 x 3 pgs
Social Basis of Human Nature
Hartmann. Psychoanalysis and Problem of Values Psychoanalysis and the Problem of Values: Heins Harmann in Imago abstract 1928 2 x 2 pgs
Maskin: Military Psychodynamics Military Psychodynamics: Psychological Factor in the Transition from Civilian to Soldier paper 6 x 7 pgs
Religious Experience
Hocking: Religion Religion: W. E. Hocking in "Human Nature and Its Re-Making", pp. 351-356 paper 22 x 2 pgs
James: The Will to Believe Excerpts from "The Will to Believe" by William James - Pages 1-25 excerpt 5 x 4 pgs
Hutchinson: Insight and Religion The Phenomenon of Insight in Relation to Religion: Eliot Dole Hutchinson paper 1944 6 x 6 pgs
Freud-Scrheber Case Psychoanalytic Comments on an Autobiographical Account of a Case of Paranoia paper 12 x 10 pgs
Campbell: The Schizophrenic Type of Reaction The Schizophrenic Type of Reaction by C. M. Campbell paper 1928 16 x 7 pgs
Sullivan: Onset & Outcome in Schizophrenia The Relation of Onset to Outcome in Schizophrenia by Harry Stack Sullivan, M. D. paper 20 x 5 pgs
Boisen: Types of Dementia Praecox Types of Dementia Praecox: Classification of First Admissions paper 1932-1933 18 x 3 pgs
Lecky: Self-Consistency The Theory of Self-Consistency in Personnel Problems - Prescott Lecky paper 5 pgs
Meyer: Treatment of Paranoia Treatment of Paranoia and Paranoid States - Adelph Meyer, M.D. paper  2 x 4 pgs
Marsh: Group Treatment of Psychoses Group Treatment of the Psychoses - by L. Cody Marsh, M.D. paper 1930 12 x 12 pgs
Marsh: Group Treatment of Psychoses (cont'd) Group Treatment of the Psychoses - by L. Cody Marsh, M.D. paper 1930 11 x 12 pgs
Cabot: Case Records for Teaching Purposes The Essentials of Case Records for Teaching Purposes - by Richard C. Cabot paper 29 x
Bryan: Scholastic Illusions Scholastic Illusions from "Wars of Families of Minds" by William Lowe Bryan paper 12 x 4 pgs
Healy: The Newer Psychiatry: Training for It The Newer Psychiatry: Its Field - Training for It paper 1925 24 x 4 pgs
Revised - Partly Assembled Mind and Body paper 3 pgs
Psycho-Physical Theories according to McDougall in "Body and Mind" paper 4 pgs
Brain Mechanisms and Intelligence: K. S. Lashley paper 1929 2 pgs
Vis Medicatrix Dei - By Richard C. Cabot paper 8 pgs
Organ Language - From "Psychosomatic Medicine" - By Weiss and English paper
Existence, Ideas, and Consciousness - (John Dewey in Experience and Nature) pp. 298-311 paper 4 pgs
The Ego and the Id - by Sigmund Freud paper 2 pgs
Psychoanalysis of the Total Personality: Alexander - Abstract by A. T. Boisen abstract 4 pgs
The Unconscious - Some Excerpts from "Two Essays on Analytical Psychology" excerpt 4 pgs
Instinct and Culture - Bronislaw Malinowski: Sex and Repression in Savage Society paper 5 pgs
Sexual Enlightment and the Sexual Impulse - Otto Rank - Modern Education, pp. 40-53 paper 3 pgs
Sex Love - W. E. Hocking in "Human Nature and Its Re-making" chapter 42 paper
Schizophrenia: Its Conservative and Malignant Features: A Preliminary Communication paper 5 pgs
The "Transference" - From Sigmund Freud's "Autobiographical Study" paper 3 pgs
Psychotherapy: Being the substance of a paper on psychotherapy presented before the Massachusetts Medical Society paper 10-Jun-25 7 pgs
Counseling & Psychotherapy - Carl R. Rogers - Pp. 133-165, Summarized paper 3 pgs
Hewitt & Jenkins L. E. Hewitt and R. L. Jenkins, Fundamental Patterns of Maladjustment: The Dynamics of Their Origin paper 1946 15 x 5 pgs
Reactions of Despair - Remarks paper 5 pgs
Collected Papers
Religion & Mental Health - Collected Paper Religion and Mental Health - Collected Papers list 21 x
Collected Papers list
Dr. A. T. Boisen - Collected papers list 4 pgs
(no file folder) Religion and Mental Health - Collected Papers - Edited by Anton T. Boisen 1959 9 x138 pgs folder-bound
Comments Gr I-IV
Comments: Groups 1-4 Introduction + Group 1 - 4 paper 8 x 20 pgs
Comments Gr V
Comments Group V Types of Mental Illness: A Beginning Course - Part II paper 1946 9 x 29 pgs
Comments - K-AN3
Unhappy Scientist - Comments An Unhappy Scientist (Case A N 3 in Psychopathology by Edward J. Kempf) paper 21 x 6 pgs