Research Data - Mimeographed Records
File Name Titles (Description) copies
Summary Sheets Religious Factors in Schizophreina - Summary Sheet
Life Situation
Progress Notes
Pre-Morbid Life Situation
Pre-Morbid Life Situation/Reaciton Pattern/Erotic Involvement
A Final Evaluation
Worcester 2
Hagar, Albert Hagar, Albert - (General Description) 2
Hagar, Albert - (Psychiatric Examination)
Hagar, Albert - (Diagnositc Impression)
Hagar, Albert - (Evidences of Externalized Conscience:)
Hammond, Eddie Hammond, Eddie - (General Description)
Hammond, Eddie - (Psychiatric Examination)
Hammond, Eddie - (Diagnositc Impression)
Hammond, Eddie - (Evidences of Externalized Conscience:)
Lynch, Eugene Lynch, Eugene - (General Description) 2
Lynch, Eugene - (Psychiatric Examination) 3
Lynch, Eugene - (Diagnositc Impression) 2
Lynch, Eugene - (Evidences of Externalized Conscience:)
Martin, Thomas Martin, Thomas - (General Description) 2
Martin, Thomas - (Psychiatric Examination) 2
Name: Martin, Thomas
Mousigian, Mardeiros Marderos, M … , age 44; race, Armenian; education, college;
Mardeiros Mousigian
Madeiros Mousigean S-4.
Nichols, Wesley Wesley, Nichols - (General Description) 2
Wesley, Nichols - (Psychiatric Examination)
Park, Leonard F. Park, Leonard F. - (General Description) 2
Philippbar, Wallace Case Analysis
Rogers, Donald Rogers, Donald - (General Description) 3
Donald Rogers - Gage One
Rosenberg, Abraham Abraham Rosenberg - (General Description)
Rosenberg, Abraham - (Progress Notes) 2
Rosenberg, Abraham- (General Conduct)
Rosenberg, Abraham - (Diagnositc Impression)
Rosenberg, Abraham - (Psychiatric Examination)
Schoerner, William Schoerner, William
Siff, Abraham Siff, Abraham - (General Description)
Siff, Abraham - (Psychiatric Examination) 2
Siff, Abraham - (Questioned for symbolism …) 2
Siff, Abraham - (Diagnostic Summary) 2
Smith, George Smith, George - (General Description)
Smith, George - (Psychiatric Impression)
Smith, George - (Psychiatric Examination)
Styffe, Arthur Styffe, Arthur - (General Description) 2
Styffe, Arthur - (Psychiatric Examination) 2
Styffe, Arthur - (Diagnostic Impression) 2
Thornton, John E. Thornton, John Edward
Tourtelotte, Clifton Clifton Tourtelotte
Vetos, George George Vetos - (General Vetos)
George Vetos - (Life Situation:)
Vetos, George - (Psychiatric Examination) 2
Whelan, Augustine Whelan, Augustine - (Psychiatric Examinaton) 3
Whelan, Augustine - 7 - (Diagnostic Impression) 4
Whelan, Augustine - (Externalized Conscience:)
Launola, John Launola, John - (Personal History)
Launolo, John H. - (Psychiatric Examination)
John Launola - (Evidences of Externalized Conscience:)
Worcester 29-30
Worcester Cases Sanford, Loris B.
Arvo Salmela 
Arvo Salmela (June 21)
Joseph Pendergast
Joseph Barrette, age 38, born in Rutlan Vt. ..
Name: O'Connell, Joseph
George Howe
Peter Dowd
Name: Wilder, Maurice
F. S. age 27,
The Case Study of an Alcoholic
Worcester 31 Name/Date/Stanfrod/Performance/Remarks chart
Condition, Improved
Case Analysis
Name: Pinkas, Anthony J.
Name: Davis, Titus
Name: Fusco, Antonio
Name: Hanscom, Raymond
Name: Bergeron, Albert C.
Name: Roy, Philias
Name: Pina, Manuel
Improved Cond. notes
35135 Acker, George list
Patient/Attendace at Services/ Private Devotions
a visit to … packet
Miscellaneaous Research Cases Johnson, Frank C.
Murphy, Patrick
Cohen, Max (This patient is a rather lethargic Russian Jew, …)
Cohen, Max (This patient went out on visit …)
Ard, John S.
Lee, John J. 2
Charles H. Swett. Jr.
Haley, Robert
Barraclough, William H.
Antonio Fusco
Carr, Alfred W.
Cannon, Joseph P.
Berger, Michael
Black, Philip
Pinkas, Anthony J.
Charles V. Rondeau
Pina, Manuel
John Neilon
Worcester (Neuro-endocrine Research) Case Analysis (Part II-Psychiatric Examination)
Patient/Age/No of Attack/Duration Yrs./Prognosis/… table 2
Neuro-Endocrine Research Cases
Table I - Thyroid Deficiency table
Table II - Thyroid Deficiency table
Table III - Not Demonstrably Endocrin table
Table IV - Endocrine Deficiency Unclassified table
Table IV - End. Def. Unclassified table
Agar Diog. End. Diog
Research Cases
Table Grove
Table Grove Study Ownership table
Equipment table
A Project for the Study of the Religious Factors in Schizophrenia
Subject: Participation in the annual meeting of the American Psychological Assoiciation correspondence
Religion and Personality Organization 12
Table Grove Data Sheets Table Grove Building & Loan Association (September 27, 1937)
Map of Northeast Corner of the billage of Table Grove maps
Southeast Corner of the Village of Table Grove
A Brief Statement on the Village of Table Grove 2
The Mental Health of Laurel Hill
Illinois High in Winter Wheat
Group I
Group II
Group III
Table Grove Data Sheets 128
Community/Family Name/Date/Worker/Address 6
Research Project 1947
Application for Public Health Service Research Grant Publich Health Service Research/Grant Programs/ Statement of policy
Application for Research Grant
Research Project of 1948 - Correspondence Dear Dr. Kelb: (12 February 1949) correspondence
Dear Mr. Eberhart: (January 16, 1948) correspondence
Dear Friends, (June 16, 1948) correspondence
Dear Dr. Boisen: (Jan 5, 1947) correspondence
Dear Professor Salzmann: (25 December 1947) correspondence
Dear Fairbanks: (25 December 1947) correspondence
Dear Rockwell: (25 Decmeber 1947) correspondence
Dear Seward: (18 December 1947) correspondence
Dear Professor Burgess: (18 December 1947) correspondence
Dear Spaff: (18 December 1947) correspondence
Dear Young: (17 December 1947) correspondence
Dear Dr. Boisen: (Jan 1, 1948) correspondence
Dear Dr. Boisen, (December 28, 1947) correspondence
Dear Dr. Boisen: (December 24, 1947) correspondence
Dear Mr. Boisen: (December 4, 1947) correspondence
Dear Friend: (January 6, 1948) correspondence
Dear Mr. Boisen: (December 16, 1947) correspondence
Dear Chaplain Boisen (December 13, 1947) correspondence
Dear Dr. Boisen: (December 15, 1947) correspondence
Dear Russell: (30 December 1947) correspondence
Dear Dr. Smith: (30 December 1947) correspondence
Dear Blakeman: (30 December 1947) correspondence
Dear Dr. Sutherland: (30 December 1947) correspondence
Dear Dr. Glusck: (29 December 1947) correspondence
Dear Dr. Swift: (29 December 1947) correspondence
Dear Dean Sherrill: (29 December 1947) correspondence
Dear Carroll: (29 December 1947) correspondence
Dear Fairbanks: (January 16, 1948) correspondence
Dear Mr. Engdahl, (January 12, 1948) correspondence
My dear Dr. Boisen: (January 2, 1948) correspondence
Dear Dr. Boisen: (January 1, 1948) correspondence
Dear Mr. Olson: (Januarry 16, 1948) correspondence
Dear Professor Dobbins: (January 16 1948) correspondence
Dear Dr. Kolb: (11 April 1947) correspondence
Dear Dr. Frank: (Janauary 23, 1948) correspondence
Dear Mr. Harrison: (January 17, 1948) correspondence
Dear Paul: (January 16, 1948) correspondence
Dear Mr. Keefe: (January 16, 1948) correspondence
Dear Anton: (January 19, 1948) correspondence
Dear Mr. Boisin: (February 3, 1948) correspondence
Dear Dr. Boisen: (February 10, 1948) correspondence
Dear Chaplain Boisen; (February 13, 1948) correspondence
Dear Chaplain Boisen (19 Feb 1948) correspondence
Friend Boisen: (2-22-49) correspondence
Dear Dr. Boisen, (23 Feb 48) correspondence
Dear Mr. Chambers: (20 February 1948) correspondence
Dear Dr. Boisen, (Feb. 24, 1948) correspondence
Dear Dr. Boisen: (January 19 1948) correspondence
Dear Otis: (January 17, 1948) correspondence
Dear Anton: (February 1, 1949) correspondence
Dear Clark: (11 December 1947) correspondence
Dear Dr. Seashore: (5 December 1947) correspondence
Dear Dr. Boisen: (13 December 1947) correspondence
Dear Dr. Boisen: (November 13, 1947) correspondence
Dear Dr. French: (24 June 1948) correspondence
Science (Vol. 104, No. 2711)
Letters Written About the Proposed Clinic
Clinical Experience for Theological Students
Clinical Pastoral Training
The Chicago Council for Clinical Training, Inc. (Urgent Notice and Invitation)
Chicago Council for Clinical Training
The Chicago Council for Clinical Training, Inc. (Schedule of Conferences)
Clinical Experience for Theological Students (Conditions) 3
Council for Clinical Training, Inc.
The Clinical Training Program sponsored by the Connecticut Council of Churches and the Norwich State Hospital
Schiz '48
47-'49 Research Project Outlines Religious Factors in Schizophreina - Summary Sheet
Name/Date Admited/Age/Race/Religion/Educ./
A Research Project 4
A Project for the Study of the Religious Factors in Schizophrenia 3
A Project for the Study of the Religious Factors in Schizophrenia - Page 1 5
A Proposed Institute for the Study of the Religious Aspects of Mental Illiness 2
Publich Health Service Research/Grant Programs/ Statement of policy
Application for Grant for Research Project
Division of Research Grants and Fellowships/National Institutes of Health
Religious Factors in Schizophrenia: A Proposed Research Project
Research Project 1948 - Correspondence Dear Dr. Boisen: (March 31, 1948) packet
Dear Dr. Boisen: (March 31, 1948)(Federal Security Agency) correspondence
Dear Dr. Kolb: (April 13, 1947) correspondence
Dear Doctor Steinberg: (February 22, 1947) correspondence 2
Dear Mr. Boisen: (February 4, 1947) packet
Letters of Endorsement packet
Application for Grant for Research Project packet
Suggestions for Preparation of Application for Grant for Research Project packet
A Proposed Institute for the Study of the Religious Aspects of Mental Illiness
Scientific Method in the Study of Human Nature
Religious Factors in Schizophrenia: A Proposed Research Project
Tabulation Sheet
A Project for the Study of the Religious Factors in Schizophrenia
Dear Doctor Hoskins: (April 18, 1947) correspondence
Dear Doctor Steinberg: (April 16, 1948) packet
Dear Doctor Boisen: (February 13, 1947) correspondence
Application for Grant for Research Project packet
Dear Dr. Boisen: (June 8, 1948) packet
The thesis which this study is intended to test … 
Hoskins/Ackerly/Sullivan … list
Research Project - Financial Campaign Dear Dr. Fremont-Smith: (30 May 1949) correspondence
Dear Dr. Boisen: (April 18, 1949) packet
Dear Herman: (10 May 1949) correspondence
Dear Mr. Hahn: (9 May 1949) correspondence
Dear Ted: (10 May 1949) correspondence
Dear Ted: (22 May 1949) correspondence
Budget for Propsed Project From July 1, 1948 to June 20, 1949
Dr. Hamill / Dr. Bryan / Harrington Mitchell … list
Dear Jesse: (17 May 1949) correspondence 2
Form Letter
My dear President …. correspondence
Dear Dr. Bryan: (15 April 1949) packet
My dear Mr. Boisen: (April 19, 1949) correspondence
My dear Friend, (April 19-49) correspondence
Dear Anton Boisen, (April 19, 1949) correspondence
Dear Mr. Hales: (13 April 1949) correspondence
Mr. Cook / Al Ronander / Dr. Hamill list
Dear Jesse: (7 May 1949) correspondence
My dear Dean Kelley: (May 15, 1946) correspondence
Dear Carroll: (9 May 1949) correspondence
Dear Dr. Sladen: (17 September 1948) correspondence
Dear ….. The Chicago Council for Clinical Training is …
Financial Campaign 1945 list
Letters of Endorsement
A Project for the Study of the Religious Factors in Schizophrenia 2
Religious Factors in Schizophrenia   2
Edge-Markt Cards '49 - Follow-up Data on Back Edge-Markt Cards '49 - Follow-up Data on Back 114
Edge-Markt Cards '49 - (blank) 21
Experienctial Aspects of Dementia Praecox Ethical and Religious Factors in Dementia Praecox 2
Current Research List
Endocrine Diagnosis and Emotional State 3
Endocrine Functioning and Mental Condition 2
Onset/Sense of Myster/Sense of Peril large chart
Case Summaries Worker/Age/Date Admitted (assorted) packet
(case summaries) packet
Summaries - Morning Conference Cases 1- Nancy Resner - age 21 - Educ 2 yrs HS
2- Arthur Blankenstein - afe 52 - educ 7th grade
3- John clark - #5- age 41 - Educ. 4 yrs. H.S.
4- James Wisher
5- Hullenguestinger. Von - age 31 - race Negro.
7- Jean Dye - age 21 - race Mulatto, Educ. 11th grade.
8- Zdrojewski, Wm. Ed. Jr., 32-year-old native-born white man,
9- Gehant, Roy, 20 yr. W. Male - Rel. Cath.
11- Virginia staughton - Age 25-, Educ. H.S.; rel. Congl
12- Daniel Slaughter - age 21 - race Negro, Educ. 4th
13- White, Wm e. #2 - age 31 - Educ - College - race English
14- Mandlebaum, Jacob - 62 yr. W. Male, Intell, Norm
15- Edwards - Lydia age 41, married - illegitimate son
16- William frenchak - age 19 - race Polish-Slovak, Educ. H.S.
17- Ernest Dieck - age 44 - rel. R. C. educ. 8th gr.
18- Walter Kallis - age 51 - Educ. 4th grade
19- Sarah youn - age 21- Educ. H. S. - Rel. R. C.
20- Zylka, John - age 30, race - Lithuanian, Rel. R.C. inactive
23- Osterman, Edith - 39 yr. Sing. Wh fem- 4
26- Charles Hearney - age 33, Educ. H.S. rel Presb
29- DeNike, Eric- 19 yr. wh. male,
31- Frank Aiello - Age 29, rel. R.C. 
32- Dahle, Donald, 16 yr. wh. male
34- Hugh Harden - age 40-, race German., rel. Luther.
35- Beatrice Wawra age 19; race-Austrian; religion, Moody Inst.
36- Mansfield, clarence - 36 yr. wh male;
Gene Kahle - 11-13th of 14 sibs - Luth - 4th grade
Lawson / Klein 3-24-55
Glen Perez - age 17- Race. Mexican, relig. R.C. 2
Josephine Garner - Age 37
Robert Keller - age 25 race English/Irish 2
Mary Dobinkar - age 35; race, slav; rel., R.C.
Clinical Pastoral Training - Elgin State Hospital, 1954
Dear Dr. Boisen: (May 25, 1954) correspondence
Nature + Causation of Mental Illness
Age/Race/Church/Educ/Are of Maladjustment/Onset chart 2
Kloregg - I.Q. very superior-
Reaction Patterns as Religious Concern:
Reaction Pattern + Prognosis (6 pgs)
Religious Concern + Prognosis (2 pgs)
Relg. Concern chart
Withdrawal/Prog/Awarence of Failure/Prog chart
Church Attendance
"The Highwayman"
Worker/Date/Name of Patient
Type + Onset table
Social Recvey/Unimproved/Delusial Stabilized/Progres. table
recov/no chge./delu/prog.D.
Anderson, Harvey C. Case Analysis
Name of Patient: Anderson, Harvey C. (7-22-49)
Patient: Harvey C. Anderson (7-14-49
Patient: Harvey C. Anderson (7-14-49)
Patient: Harvey C. Anderson (7-7-49)
Anderson, Harvey C. (August 19, 1949)
Harvey Anderson
Anderson, Harvey C. (Social Service Record)
Anderson, Harvey (Progress Report)
Mental Examination
Aylward, Stephen Case Analysis
Name: Aylward Stephen/ age 35 /date admitted 4/20/49
Worker: A.T.B. / Date (7/12-49)
Life Situation
Copy of Mother's Letter Written June 28, 1949
Aylward, Steve
Beloved Elsa- (5/29) letter
Barton, Wm Jr. Case Analysis
Patient William Barton, Jr. (7/29/49)
Patient William Barton, Jr. (8/19/49) 2
Wm J. Barton, a nice looking youn man of 20
William Barton Junior (August 25, 1949) 2
Barton, William Jr. / Community Clinic Reports
Name of Patient: Barton, Wm Jr. / Age: 20
Berke, George Case Analysis
Name of Patient: Berke, George / Age: 31
Mental Examination 2
Patient: George Berke (Interviewer: Elwyn Burke)
Patient: George Berke (Interviewer: Elwyn Burke) - follow up
Patient: George Berke (Interviewer: Dr. Boisen)
Patient: George Berke (Interviewer: Reverende A. L. Irwin)
George Berke / 31, Single Interviews 6/24/49
Blum, Leo A. Case Analysis
L. B., age 55; race, German: religion, Lutheran (Missouri Synod) 4
Case-Study (7/13/49) 2
Case-Study (7/15/49)
Reason for Admission
Name of Patient:Blum, Leo A. / Age 55
Blum, Leo A.
Dawson, Benjamin Name of Patient:Dawson, Benjamin / Age 50
Case Analysis
Reason for Admission
Diagnostic Impression
B. D., age 50; race, English; religion, Episcopal;
Dever, Joseph Name of Patient:Joseph Dever / Age 25
Case Analysis
Dever, Joseph: a slender white male, age 25; married; 2
Identifying info
Pt.: Joseph Dever (Interviewer: Gordon Shull)
Ward Observation (2nd interview)
Patient: Josepht Dever / Interviewer: Dr. Boisen
Contact Report
Jackson, Paul Case Analysis
Mental Examination 2
Patient: Jackson, Paul (July 13, 1949)
Patient: Jackson, Paul (July 20, 1949)
Patient: Jackson, Paul (July 27, 1949)
Patient: Jackson, Paul (July 30, 1949)
Jackson, Paul / age 33 / Progress Notes
Name of Patient: Jackson, Paul / Age 33/ Date Admitted: 6-30-49
Jacobs, Harvey Harvey Jacobs  Interviewd by A.T.B. Notes by A.W.C.
Religious Orientation and Attitude 2
Kaplowitz, Julius Mr. Wm. Sheir
Interviews With Wife and Husband
Interview Sketch 2
Julius Kaplowitz ( A small, weasened, slovenly dressed …)
Julius Kaplowitz (A small, frail, slovenly-dressed man …) 3
Bob Leigh Bob Leigh (Sunday morning)
Overhelman, Henry Henry A. Overhelman - Diagnostic Impression 3
The case of Henry Overhelman … notes
Henry A. Overhelman - The case of Henry Overhelman …
Office Interview
Follow-up Interviews
Henry Overhelman - Summary of Criminal Record
Porter, John Mental Examination
Case Analysis
Reetz, Herbert Name of Patient: Reetz, Herbert / Age: 40 
Case Analysis
Social Service Record
Interview with Attendant
Reetz, Herbert (27 July 1949)
Admission Note
Scott, Robt W. Robert W. Scott
Progress Notes
Patient: Robert W. Scott - Initial Interview
Pt came to the office on April 16th … (April 16, 1949) 2
5th Interview
Scott was taken on a walk and … (April 7, 1948)
Appearance: Scott was stretched out … (April 12, 1949)
Wittenberg, Harry Springer of Glenn Ellyn - notes
summary recollections of several informal interviews ...
Patient: Wittenberg, Harry (April 27, 1948) 2
Initial Interview (with comments in red)
Initial Interview  
Schiz '54-5
Case Summaries 1954-5 Aldrich, Edward - 35- male - English - divorced
Allison, Bertel - 40 - male - Swedish - single
Andersen, William #6 - 18 - male - white - single
Anderson, Isabelle - 45 - female - married
Baczek, Andrew - 19 - male - white - single
Bailey, Otis - 16 - Negro male - single
Bassuk, Walter - 32 - male - Russian - single
Baylor, Curtis - 33 - male - Negro - single
Andrew Bertsik; 36 yr. Old male; Roman Catholic;
Billings, Robert - 21 yr. Old - wms  no religious connection
Bogue, Stewart, 16 year old white male; 
Eimle Bork, w/m/m, 58 yrs. old,
Brewer, John - 11 - male - Negro - single
Brown, Lois - 26 - female Negro - divorced
Bubla, Edward - 26 - male - white - single 
Buckel, Lawrence - 23 - white male, single,
Byrne, Mary: W/F Catholic
Chandler, Clifford - 32 - male - white - married
Chavez, Benjamin - 27 - male - Mexican - married
Cooper, Don : 44 yrs., W/M; nom. Prot.;
Cooper, Doris - 26 - female - Negro - married
Cohen, Yvonne - 24 - female - German - married,
Danner, Carl - 53 - male - white - married
Davis, Kathleen - 13 - female - white - single
Dijka, Charles, 33 - male - white - single
Dotz, Joyce - 27 - female - German - single
Downey, Steve - 27 - male - Irisih - single
Edwards, Eugene - 28 - male - Negro - single
Egen, Michael: 39 ur. Old, WMM,
Fain, Andersen - 35 - male - Negro - married
Fisher, Frances - 24 - female - white - married
Lton Gartrell, W/M, 40, married,
Gerwitz, Bernerd - 27 - male - white - single
Gilbert, Gerald - 16 - male - white - single
Grantham, Robert - 33 - male - married 
Greenabaum, Joanne - 17 - female - white - single
Halkin, Lettie Mae - 15 - white female
Heisler, Charlyne - 14 - female - German - single
Huff, Anna - 18 - female - single - negro
Hyde, Julius - 27 - male - Negro - single
Ingram, Georgia - 29 - female - white - married
Jaizanski, Charles - 62 - male - widower
Johnson, Basil A. - 27 - male - Negro - married
Julian, Richard - 23 - male - single
Kannenberg, Judy - 16 year old white female - single
Kaufmann, Nancy Lee - 17 - female - white - single
Raymond Keifer, W/M, 33, divorced
Kelley, Woodrow - 38 - male - white
Kelly, grace Ann - 17- female white - single
Kennedy, Betty - 17 - female - single
Kirby, Roger - 15 year old white male;
Klein, Clara - 34 - white female - Married
Koelln, Henry - 30 - male - white - single
Kolar, Jerome - 18 - male - white - single
Krull, Sandra - 25 - female - Norwegian - divorced
Latsis, Irene - 49 - female - Greek - married
Leudeke, Vernon - 40 - male - German - divorced
Long, Dorothy Kelley - 43 - female - white divorced
Louks, Benjamin - 48 - male - divorced
Louther, Fredrick - 18 - male - white - single
Luway, Alfredo - age 49, Philipino
Mammen, Wilkie - 42 - male - German - single
Martin, Frank #3 - 15 - male - white - single
McAllister, Charles - 51 - male - white - married
McClain, Wayne: 23 yrs., W/M, Lutheran (nominal)
Massacavello, Bruno - 37 - white male - married
Michael #4, Thomas - 16 - male - single
Murphy, Cleveland - 12 - male - Negro - single
Neblock, Lois - 12 1/2 years old, white girl
Nichols, Beverly - 15 female - Negro - single
Novak, Daniel, white male, 38,
Oliver, Sybil - 22 - female - Negro - single
Pajersky, Ivan: 31 yrs., W/M
Panapinto, Frank - 24 - male - Italian - married
Pechmann, William - 19 - male - German - single
Platzner, Jerry - 21 - male - Jewish - single
Radigan, Margaret - 11 - female - white - single
Rainsburger, Larry - 17 - male - white - single
Ranieri, Nicholas - 26 - male - separated
Reno, Ronald - - - 18 years old, white, male
Rich, Norbert - 34 - male - Polish-German - married
Reiswig, Howard - 16 - white male - single
Richardson, percy - 46 - Negro male - common-law marriage
Roland, Eileen - 39 - female - white - married
Rothenberg, Florence - 17 - white female - single
Roza - Joseph, white male, age 16
Rutkowsky, Robert - age 29 - Single, White, Male
Rutz, Lionel - 14 - male - white - single
Ryan, Melba - 17 - female - white - English - single
Schultz, Robert - 17 - male - German - single
Secor, Elmer - 38 - male white - married
Sedor, Michael - 33 - male - Russian - single
Seidel, Gerald - 31 - male - Bohemian extraciton - single
Schaffner, David - 17 - white male - single
Shawler, Dolores - 16 - female - white - single
Shukie, Raymond - 26 - male - white - single
Sinnot, Mary, 16 yr old white female
Smith, Ralph - age 34 - male - married 
Sogolow, Leonard - 24 - male - Jewish - single
Spanos, Anne - 34 - female - white - married
Stover, Otto - 54 - male - white - married
Stowers, Amos - 60 - male - Negro - married
Strella, Constantine - 24 - male - single
Swager, Donald - 33 - male - divorced
Turner, George: 16 yr. W/M
Vath, Louise - 23 - female - white - single
Vanderbildt, Melvin - 32 yr old Negro male with Caucasian blood;
Van Zandt, Barbara - 18 - female - white - single 
Vaughn, Bessie - 34 - female - white - 2 marriages
Walker, James - 34 - colored male - common-law relationship
Bernice Warner, 27 W/F, Ave. Intelligence, Married
Willett, Donald - 10 - male - white - single
Williams, Robert - 15 yr. W/M,
Wojcik, Walter - 30 - male - Polish - single
Zanfino, Joseph - 29 - male - Italian - married
Zozzetti, Ernest - 45 - male - married
Summary of Findings / Summer, 1955 chart 2
Case Summaries - 1955 Religious Factors in Schizophrenia / Summary Sheet 11
Life Situation 2
(no folder) Summaries of Diagnostic Staff Cases: Elgin State Hospital folder-bound
Cooperative Inquiry in Religion
Hymns of Hope and Courage
A Note concerning Clarence Bruninga
Chaplains Dept. Ward Visitation chart
Clinical Pastoral Training, Elgin State Hospital, Summer Schedule chart
Case Summaries - A.T.B. 1954-5 Diagnostic Staff Cases
M. L. P. age 20; race, Creole;
Aldrich, Edward. Age 35; race, English; 2
Barto, Harlow, age 14; rel. R.C.;
Carlton Bowman - age 30 - Educ- H.S.
Cohen, Yvonne. Age, 24; race, German; 2
Emmert, Mary. Age, 54; race, mixed 3
Robert, Imrie - age 16 - I.Q. 70,
Ingram, Georgia; age, 26; relig. R. C.; 2
Krull, Sandra; age, 25; race, Norwegian; 2
Lay, Maxine Cummings. Age 20, educ. H.S.
Lourks, Benton. Age, 48; Race, mixed; 2
Edwin Nolte- Age 26 - I.Q. 106
Thomas O'Neill, Age 46; Race, Irish
Pechman, William; age 119; race, German; 2
Richter, Marie. Age 54; relig., Lutheran
Robb, John. Age, 30; race, mixed; relig., Bible Church 2
Schram. Age 23. I.O. sup
Seidel, Gerald. Age 31; race, Czecho-slovak; 2
Soderquist, Barbara; age - 23; race - Swedish;
Todd, George, Age, 33; race, Negro;
Vazzano, Joseph: age, 26; race, Italian 5
Vignocci, Nella, Age, 39: race, Italian
Waldron, Richard. Age, 30; relig., Protestant, inactive
Winslow, William. Age 23; race, English
The Sex Problem in the Light of Our Findings
Journals for General Mental Hygiene
Report of Follow-up Intreview - July 29, 1954
Addresses 2
The following is a compliation of …
This patient is being presented …
Research Project Progress Notes 9
Worker / Date / Name of Patient / Age
Religious Factors in Schizophrenia: A Proposed Research Project
Fidus Amicus: (January 6, 1947) letter
Religion in Crisis and Custom: A Sociological and Psychological Study
Dear Dr. Hoskins: (15 January 1947) letter
Research - 49 + 54-55 Data Sheets data sheets 118
Data Sheets (blank) data sheets 15
Research Tabulations, 1955 Worker / Date / Name of Patient / Age 124
Group II Remarks
Research - Key, 1955
(no folder) Introduction (The following papers include 124 cases …) folder-bound
Tabulation Forms Worker / Date / Name of Patient / Age 113
A Final Evaluation 33
Cards for Edge Marking Data Sheets (blank) data sheets 156
Cards for Edge Marking Data Sheets (blank) data sheets 88