Drawer #3 - Book Reviews and Minor Articles
File Name Titles (Description) copies
Misc. Articles Three Allies in a Common Cause pamphlet 2
Darkness and Light pamphlet
What's The Matter With This Man? pamphlet
College of Preachers pamphlet
College of Preachers
Our Neglected Insane
The Story of Washington Cathedral pamphlet
1948 Summer School of Pastoral Care pamphlet
1955 Summer Schools of Pastoral Care pamphlet
Dedicatory Service
The Chaplain's Part in Healing the Sick
Religion and Health
"The Lure of Superiority"
Dear Anton: (June 17, 1959) letter
Clinical Training in Theological Education: The Period of Beginnings 2
Religious Factors in Schizophrenia: A Proposed Research Project
A Research Project
Dedicatory Program of the Psychiatric Department
Miscellaneous "The spirit of the Lord is upon me, …." manuscript
The Rankian Method of Psychoanalysis for the Cure of Personality Problems
Address delivered by Robert H. Klein before the City Club of Chciago, June 28, 1954
Educational Maturity by Franz Alexander, M.D.
As A Pastor pamphlet
The Cleveland Round Table
The Charles and Geraldine Gilkey Fund
"Psychiatry …." notes
"Anglican Theological Review" notes
Religious Aspects of Mental Illness 2
American Foundations and Their Fields
Approaches ot Human Adjustment
A Call to the Ministry
The Reestablisment of Peacetime Soiciety: The Responsibility of Psychiatry by G.B. Chisholm, M.D. 2
Original Sin
The Good News of Damnation by Rober M. Hutchins
Book Reviews
Alexander - Our Age of Unreason, 1942 Our Age of Unreason
Allan, Denison M. - Realm of Personality - in Christendom The Realm of Personality
"A Philosopher Psycholgizes"
Allport, Gordon - Personality: A Psychologcial Interpretaion "Personality: A Psychological Interpretation
Angyal, A - Foundations for a Science of Personality Foundations for a Science of Personality
Arieti - Interpretation of Schizophrenia Silvano Arieti, Interpretation of Schizophrenia. Brunner, 1955
Arieti, Sylvano. Interpretation of Schizophrenia. N.Y., Brunner, 1955, 522pp.
Bach, George R. - Intensive Group Therapy Intensive Group Therapy
"Intensive Grooup Psychotherapy (Reviews of Current Books)"
Bentley & Cowery - The Problem of Mental Disorder "The Problem of Mental Disorder"
Boisen, A.T. - Inspiration and Hymnody Inspiration And Hymnody: Some Remarks on "Hymns of Hope and Courage"
Bonnell, J.S. - Pastoral Psychiatry See Allport, Gordon: Personality: A Psychological Interpretation cross reference
Bryan, William Lowe - Wars of Families of Minds "Wars of Families of Minds"
Cameron, Norman - Psychology of Behavior Disorder The Psychology of Behavior Disorders
Chave, Errnest J. - Measure Religion Measure Religion
Clarke, E.T. - Small Sects of America See Allport, Gordon: Personality: A Psychological Interpretation cross reference
Custance, John - Wisdom, Madness and Folly Wisdom, Madness and Folly
Dollard, John - Frustration & Aggression Frustration and Aggression 2
Evans, Berger - Psychiatry of Robert Burton The Psychiatry of Robert Burton
Fromm - Escape from Freedom Escape From Freedom
Gerth &  Mills - Character and Social Structure Character and Social Structure
Gluek, Sheldon - Juvenile Delinquents Grown Up Juvenile Delinquents Grown Up
Godwin, George - The Great Revivalists The Great Revivalists
Groddeck, George - Exploring the Unconscious Exploring the Unconscious
Guillaume, Alfred - Prophesy and Diviniation See May: "Springs & Creative Living" cross reference
Harkness - Dark Night of Soul The Dark Night of the Soul
Haydon, A.E. - Biography of the Gods "Biography of the Gods"
Healy, Wm - Personality in Formation and Action "Personality in Formation and Action"
Horney - The Neurotic Personality of Our Time "The Neurotic Personality of Our Time"
Horney, K. - New Ways in Psychoanalysis New Ways in Psycho-analysis
Minor Articles
Horney, Karen - Our Inner Conflicts "Our Inner Conflicts"
Hoskins - Biology of Schizophrenia "The Biology of Schizophrenia"
Jenkins, R.L. - Breaking Patterns of Defeat Breaking Patterns of Defeat
Johnson, Paul E. - Psychology of Religion The Psychology of Religion
Jung, C.G. - Integration of the Personality The Integration of the Personality
Kemp, Charles F. - Physicians of the Soul Physicians of the Soul
Knudson, A.C. - Validity of Religious Experience "The Validity of Religious Experience"
Kunkel, F. - Creation Continues Creation Continues 2
"A Psychiatrist on Matthew"
Kunkel, & Dickerson - How Character Develops "How Character Develops"
Leslie - Religious Symptomatology Leslie: Religious Symptomatology in a Schizophrenic Breakdown
Lowrie, Walter - The Religion of a Scientist Religion of a Scientist: Selections from Gustav Th. Fechner 2
May, Rollo - The Art of Counseling "The Art of Counseling"
The Art of Counseling
May, Rollo - Springs of Creative Living "Springs of Creative Living"
May & Roberts - Reviews of their own books "Psychotherapy and Anxiety"
Meader, A. - Ways to Psychic Health "Ways to Psychic Health"
Michalson - Faith for Personal Crisis Faith for Personal Crises
Morris, Charles - Signs, Language and Behavior Signs, Language and Behavior 2
Reviews and Notices: Books New and Recent 2
Mowrer - Crisis in Religion The Crisis in Psychiatry and Religion  
Mowrer:Crisis in Psychiatry and Religion - 2, 3 2
Outler - Review of Psychotherapy and Xn Message Psychotherapy and the Christian Message 2
Pike, James A. - Doing the Truth Doing the Truth
Plant - Personality and the Culture Pattern "Personality and the Culture Pattern" 4
Reviews and Notices: Books New and Recent 2
Durkheim, Emile. Elementary Forms of the Religious Life
Rapoport, Anatol - Science and the Goals of Men Science and the Goals of Man
Rank, Otto - Will Therapy, Truth and Reality "Psychotherapy and Philosophy" 2
Reich, Wilhelm - Book Reviews 1995 "The New Cult of Sex and Anarchy"
"The Strange Case of Wilhelm Reich"
(The following book reviews were writen for PSYCHIATRY 12
Record of Pastoral Interview
Roberts, David E - Psychotherapy and the Christian View of Man Psychotherapy and the Christian View of Man 2
Roberts - Psychotherapy and Christianity Psychotherapy and a Christian View of Man
Sechehaye, M.A. - Symbolic Realization M.A. Sechehaye. Symbolic Realization
Sheldon, W. H. - Psychology & Promethean Will "Psychology and the Promethean Will"
Sperry, W.L. - Ethical Basis of Medical Practice The Ethical Basis of Medical Practice
Wach, Joachim - Sociology of Religion in Pastoral Psychology Sociology of Religion
Pastoral Psychology (Vol 2, No 23)
Westermarck, E. - Christianity and Morals "Christianity and Morals"
Weaterhead, L. Psychology, Religion and Healing "Psychology, Religion and Healing"
Winkler & Bromber - Mind Explorers "Making Psychology Live"
Wise, Carroll A. - Religion in Illiness and Health Religion in Illness and Health
References Jung - Two Essays in Analytical Psychology ….
Book Reviews in CTS Register CTS Register (March '34) pgs 37-38 2
CTS Register (March 1940) pgs 19-22
The Fifty Minute Hour
The Fifty Minute Hour original
Hygiene for the Soul
Hygiene for the Soul original
War, Peace and Non-resistance clipping
War, Peace and Non-resistance manuscript
The American Journal of Nursing (April 1946) pgs 277-278
The Human Frontier
Nervous Disorders and Character
Patterns of the Mind
The History of Quakerism
The Logic of Belief
Getting Down to Cases
Doing the Truth
Thy Health Shall Spring Forth
Dr Fromm's article on the contrasting ….
Psychotherapy and the Christian View of Man
Book Reviews and Notices
CTS Register notes
Jounal of Pastoral Care notes
Pastoral Psychogy notes
Can a Sick World Get Well? Dear Dr. Boisen (July 10, 1945) letter
Dear Dr. Boisen (May 25, 1945) letter
Dear Professor Boisen: (February 6, 1945) letter
Dear Mrs. Bradley (20 May 1945) letter
"Can a Sick World Get Well?"
Christensen, C.W., Psychiatric Counsultant to Garrett Dear Dr. Boisen: (July 18, 1955) letter
Dear Dr. Christensen: (15 April 1955) letter
Dr. Christensen's paper on the ….
Christian Perfectionism "Christian Perfectionism" 2
Christian Perfectionism manuscript
The Church and the Sick Soul "The Church and Sick Souls"
The Church's Age-Old Task manuscript
Church and the Sick Soul The Church and the Sick Soul manuscript
The Adult Bible Class Magazine (Vo.18, No.6)
Clinical Year for Theol. Students Dear Dr. Boisen: (February 14, 1945) letter
Dear Dr. Boisen, (February 6, 1945) letter
Dear Anton: (Feb. 14, 1945) letter
"Clinical Training for Theological Students"
"Clinical Experience for Theological Students"
Coe, George A. "Pioneer of Pastoral Psychology"
Conscientious Objector The Adult Bible Class Magazine (Vo.18, No.10) 2
The Coscientious Objector in America manuscript
Christian Fellowhip Among the Nations: A Discussion Course for Young People and Adults
Conversion + Mental Health "Conversion and Mental Health"
Escaping from the Blues Escaping from the Blues: Alcohol as a Means of Dealing with the Sense of Failure
The Adult Bible Class Magazine (October 1925)
Experiment in Theological Education An Experiment in Theological Education manuscript 2
Exploration of Inner World "The Exploration of the Inner World"
Factors in Decline of Country Church Factors Which Have to do With the Decline of the Country Church
Georger Fox among the Doctors "George Fox Among the Doctors"
"George Fox Among the Doctors" (Friends Intelligencer) 5
God and the Cross in Human Experience "God and the Cross in Huuman Experience"
Niebuhr and Fosdick on Sin "Niebuhr and Fosdick on Sin" 2
Niebuhr and Fosdick on Sin manuscript 2
Freud, Jung, Fromm "Freud, Jung, and Fromm" (Readers' Forum)
Dr. Fromm's article on the ….
Making Statistics Lie "Making Statistics Lie" (The New Republic)
Making Statistics Lie  2
The Literary Digest (Vo.86, No.1)
Minister's Salaries Ministers' Salaries (Social Action)
Ministry to Mentally Distressed The Ministry to the Mentally Distressed manuscript 2
Pastoral Psychology - Consultanation Clinic Pastoral Psychology - Consulation Clinic
Pathological Anxiety "Is Psychotherapy a Religious Process?" (Readers' Forum) 3
Professor Tillich in his interesting …. manuscript
Paul - (What happened on the road to Damascus) "What Happened on the Road to Damascus?"
Personality Adjustments in a Country Parish "Personality Adjustments in a Country Parish"
Prayer - A Bond Chapel Address From the standpoint of one whose task …
Psychiatrist Challenges Minister "The Psychiatrist Challenges the Minister" 2
Psychotherapy - et al in Form - Dictionary of Theology Dear Dr. Boisen: (Aprisl 23 1943) letter
Religious Ed - Human Nature Religious Education (January-March, 1940)
Relgious Education - Human Nature Fundamental Assumptions of Religious Education Regarding the Nature of Human Nature
Religious Experience + Mental Disorder Concerning the Relationship Between Religious Experience and Mental Disorders
Religious Work in a State Hospital Religious Work in a State Hospital  manuscript
Bulletin of the Massachusetts Department of Mental Diseases (Vo.14, No. 1)
Self Expression Dear Anton: (May 13, 1947) letter
Dear Anton: (April 18, 1947) letter
Dr. Anton T. Boisen, in his article …
Self Expression manuscript
The Pastor (April 1947)
Service of Worship in Mental Hospital The Service of Worship in a Mental Hospital: Its Therapeutic Significance
Sick Souls "The Church and Sick Souls"
Study of Mental Disorders The Study of Mental Disorders as a Basis for a Program of Moral and Religious Re-education
Theology and Education "Theology and Education" (Letters to the Editor)
Theology and Education: A Communication manuscript
Therapeutice Value of Hymns "Therapeutic Values of Chruch Music and Hymns" (The Consulation Clinic)
What a Country Minister Should Know What a Country Minister Should Know manuscript
Boisen - The Woman to whom Jesus first appeared Now when he was risen … manuscript
Hiltner - Relgion and Health
Greenwich Conference Christianity and Mental Hygiene
Guibert, Abbot o Nogent-Sous-Coucy Excerpts from the Autobiography of Buibert, Abbot of Nogen-Sous-Coucy
Literature of Pastoral Counseling "The Literature of Pastoral Counseling - Past, Present, and Future"
Miscel. Mimeographed Papers Jack
Some Implications of Process Philosophy for Psychothearpeutic Theory
Pastoral Psychology and Constructive Theology
Miscel. Reprints Improving Protestant Worship in Mental Hospitals
Religion and Psychoanaylsis
"Is Kinsey's View Anti-Christian?" (Christian Century)
"Psychotherapy and the Christian Message (The Journal of Religion)
The Psychological Understanding of Religion
"Toward and Ethical Conscience" (The Journal of Religion)
What Clinical Training Does for Clergymen (Information Service) 2
Alcohol Addiction - A Problem for the Chruch (Information Service)
Pittsburgh Conference Clinical Training in Theological Education in the Post-War World
Dear Dr. Boisen (March 10, 1944) letter
Dear Seward:-  (15 March 1944) letter
Dear Seward:- (I have your letter…) letter
Dear Dr. Boisen: (March 17, 1944) letter
Dear Dr. Boisen: (April 11, 1944) letter
Dear Seward:- (20 March 1944) letter 2
Dear Dr. Boisen: (July 5, 1944) letter
Memorandum to Those Invited to Participate in the National Conference on Clinical Training in Theological Education in the Post-War World memo
Jesus Saves: History and Testimony of Stanley C. Page
Report to the Deans of Seminaries of the Protestant Episcopal Church:
Practical Field in Theology The Practical Field in Theolgical Education with special reference to pastoal care and counseling
Professional Aspect of Theological Education The Professional Aspect of Theological Education
Publicaitons of Dept. Standards for the Work of the Chaplain in the General Hospital
Personal Application of Mental Hygiene in War Time
How to Make an Evangelistic Call: An Aid to Workers in Home Visitation Evangelism
If Bereavement Comes
Religion and Health: Origin and Five Years of Progress
A Workshop in Personal Counseling
Protestant Religious Work in Mental Hospitals
Recent Trends in Psychiatry of Particular Significance for Religion
Religious Work in Protestant Hospitals
Religion and Personality (Spring 1951)
The Future of Chaplaincy Service
Report to Sponsors of the Conference
Exectuive Secretary's Report
Report of the Subcommittee on Clinical Training of Theological Students
The Department of Pastoral Services: Result of Expanded Work in Religion and Health
(blank) Report on Interview with Applicants for Training
Worship Serv. In M.H. Improving Protestant Worship in Mental Hospitals 4
(not in folder) CTS Register (Vo.41 No.1)
Holt, A. E.
Mimeographed Papers Farmers Speak for Themselves on the Debt Problem
An Outline for the Study of Congregational-Christian Churches of Illinois
Chicago from the Observation Tower
The Integration of Personal and Group Ethics chart
Instrument of Analysis for Exploring Ethical Situations
The Place of the Property Holder in American Social and Religious Life
American Protestant Relgion and the Trader Class
Being and Account of Voyage of GBS & AEH: From New York to Capetown
Sociology of Confucianism
The Hindu Family
Outline of Course on Church and Social Order (January 2, 1942)
Outline of Course on Church and Social Order (January 2, 1941)
Microbe Hunters in the Realm of Social Conflict
Outline of Course on Growth of Social Conscience of the American Churches
Outline: Orientation in Christian Ethics
Reprints & Articles Report on Reading and Notes for Psychopathic Seminar
My dear Dr. Tufts:- (July 18, 1923) letter
Legitimate Fields for Research
Case Method and Teaching at Chicago Theological Seminary
"An American Scene: Democracy and Christianity"
"How Can the Minister Cooperate with the Social Worker?"
(photo) photo
Outline Study in Christianity and Rural Life Problems
The Fifth Biennial Meeting of the Conference of Theological Seminaries and Colleges in the Unites States and Canada
Case Records as Data for Studying the Conditioning of Relgious Experience by Social Factors
"The Chruch and the 'Community Center.'"
Denominationalism and Social Thinking
The Message of Arthur E. Holt
A Path-finder in Theologicla Education
"Cities and Revolution" (The Christian World)
"Is There a Protestant Theory of Social Action?" (The Christian Century)
"The Community of the Holy Imagination" (The Christian Century)
Social Conscience of Am. Churches The Decalouge as a Social Manifesto
Case Records as Data for Studying the Conditioning of Relgious Experience by Social Factors
The Social Conscience of the American churches …
Social Action in Bombay (Social Action Vo.3, No.7)
Hoskins - Various Reprints An Endocrine Approach to Psychodynamics
Effect of "Habituation" on Blood Pressure in Schizophrenia
An Hypothesis Regarding Cycles of Behavior in a Schizophrenic Patient
A "Blind Test" of Sex-Hormone Potency in Schizophrenic Patients
Endocrinology of Today: Endocrine Factors in Personality
Physiological Factors in Personality
Studies on the Personality Structure of Schizophrenic Individuals: I. The Accessibility of Schizophrenics to Environmental Influences
Studies on the Personality Structure of Schizophrenic Individuals: II. Reaction to Interrupted Tasks
For many practical purposes …  manuscript
A Constructive Approach to the Problem of Dementia Praecox 2
Theerapeutic Procedures Chart chart
Dementia Praecox: A Simplified Formulation 4
The Schizophrenic Personality with Special Regard to Psychologic and Organic Concomitants
The Problem of Psychogenic Precipitation in Schizophrenia
The Photoscope as an Objective Device for Evaluating Sexual Interest
An Analysis of the Schizophrenia Problem from the Standpoint of the Investigator
"Inappropriate Laughter" and "Silliness" in Schizophrenia
Dementia Praecox: A Persistent Dream State chart
Basal Metabolism in Schizophrenia
Hoskins - Various Reprints (cont'd) Physiologic Aspects of Schizophrenic Withdrawal
Grading of Patients in Mental Hospitals as a Therapeutic Measure
The Psychological Treatment of the Menopause
Dreams of Schizophrenic Patients
A Note on the Ineffectualness of Sex-Hormone Medicaiton in a Case of Pronounced Homosexuality
Endocrine Factors in Behavior
A Cooperative Research in Schizophrenia
Studies on Thyroid Medicaiton: I. Some Conditions Determining the Haematopoietic Effects
A Case of hebephrenic Dementia Praecox with Marked Improvement Under Thyroid Treatment
The Thyroid Factor in Dementia Praecox
McPeek - Labor Letter
Labor Letter Newsletter # 6
Newsletter # 7
Newsletter # 7-A
Newsletter # 16
Newsletter # 17
Newsletter # 18
Newsletter # 19
Newsletter # 20
Newsletter # 21
Newsletter # 22
Newsletter # 23
Newsletter # 24
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Newsletter # 26
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Newsletter # 41-A
Newsletter # 42
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Newsletter # 63-A
Newsletter # 64
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Newsletter # 68
Newsletter # 69
Labor Letter cont'd Newsletter # 70
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  Newsletter # 73
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Newsletter # 95
Newsletter # 96
Newsletter # 98
Newsletter # 99
Newsletter # 101
Newsletter # 107
Newsletter # 109
Newsletter # 110
Newsletter # 111
National Citizens Council for Migrant Labor
Dear Dr. Boisen: (17 September 1949) letter
(not in folder) Francis W. McPeek - A Tribute 6
(not in folder) Ideas of Prophetic Mission 66
(not in folder) Inspiration in the Light of Psychopathology   29